12 August 2009


“VOLCOM seek the talents for locals in Medewi area as the action goes down to be the best”
A clear sky on Sunday, where the waves are good enough, swell hit around 2-3 ft, this is the first event for Volcom Stone’s Surf Series for 2009-2010. The first kick off for this series was held at Medewi Beach. According to the event organizer, Mr. Ribut Wahyudi, the timing couldn’t be more perfect with soft tone of the sky and less clouds for good vision, “I think today will be a very interesting day to see the talents right here from Medewi beach, which famous for its constant waves”, as he added.

For 14 and under division, there was a tight rivalry between Umar and Rahman Hidayat, both surfers took turns to get the waves and showcased the maneuvers like re-entry, cutback, and floater. But at the end, Rahman Hidayat with the strong ravishing perfect finish and succeeded to be a winner with the total score 24.8 point, while Umar finally got the 2nd position with 20.7 point. And also Ari Prasetyo in 3rd position with total 18.9 points and Ranu in 4th position scoring 11.6 points.

In the 17 & under division, Ahmad Kamal gave out the resistance for Dwi Marnox, with radical and air maneuvers, was an astonishing show for the audiences in Medewi beach with the wonderful moves. Achieving the total score 45.0 from the judge, Ahmad Kamal managed to get himself won the first place, and Dwi Marnox fill in the runner up position with the score 41.10 points, while Abi Azwar Annas with the score 31.5 points got the 3rd position and in 4th position with total score 22.3 points is Ardika.

More interesting show and competition in the pro AM division, where as Muklis Anwar, Volcom’s Team Rider came out as the winner. The good waves of the good home town giving him the chance to show out the re-entry maneuver, cut back and floater with the perfect finishing combination and resulting total score 33.6 points. In the 2nd place, Boy Sandi got the 32.3 points for the score. As for the 3rd and 4th place was taken by Ahmad Kamal and Dwi Marnox, where these two surfers were already took participation for the 17 and Under Division earlier. Yet they can still give out the best performance and fought it strongly till the finish.

It was an amusing event for the attending crowds as the series will continue its search for the best surfers from Cimaja region next October to win the ticket in the final in Kuta beach.

Result for all Divisions:

14 and Under Division
1. Rahman Hidayat
2. Umar
3. Ari Prasetyo
4. Ranu

17 and Under Division
1. Ahmad Kamal
2. Dwi Marnox
3. Abi Azwar Annas
4. Ardika

Pro AM Division
1. Muklis Anwar
2. Boy Sandi
3. Ahmad Kamal
4. Dwi Marnox